Starting June 1 st, 2020
Big Bar Guest ranch is following the strict guidelines of the BC Government COVID-19 Regulations. It is our responsibility to stay informed and vigilant in doing our part to keep flattening the curve of transmission, ensure the safety of our guests as well as our staff.
Here are the measures that we have implemented in regards to your experience:
Our kitchen is open for the high-season and following federal guidelines. Take-out service will also be available.
All restaurant bathroom facilities will be sanitized multiple times daily.
Big Bar Guest Ranch will offer delivery of meals to your cabins.
Please make your “Snacks, Supplies and Alcohol” stops before you leave town, and please do not stop on the way to the Ranch.
The old Harrison Building and all other indoor common area remains closed until further notice. Guest are asked to practice distancing and be respectful of each others’ space in this regard.
All surfaces will be sanitized including light switches and door handles
Bedding will be sanitized as per the standards of Interior Health BC
We will not be cleaning your accommodations during your stay. The accommodations will be sanitized prior to your arrival and after your departure.
Our staff will not be able to enter your lodge room, cabin, and hotel room but we will be able to leave items you need at your door including firewood, towels, extra bedding. Just email us and we will deliver!
Guests will be asked not to access the front office whenever possible, or at least to wait until other guests have vacated before entering. A minimum of 1 person in at a time. Guest are required to wear their masks while in the office and use the hand sanitizer.
Guests are requested to wear gloves for horseback riding, and Wranglers will wear masks for any close interaction with guests, for example at mount-up time. After each ride, all tack will be disinfected (boots, helmets, saddles, etc). Rides will be of a maximum of 5 guests per wrangler.
All cabins will be equipped with their own life jackets, paddles and games .
Since the experience of hiking and riding a horse out in the fresh air and on the open trails is one of the safest sports we can imagine in regard to distancing protocols, we want to make sure that the “indoor” experience is just as safe!
If you do not feel comfortable entering the reception area, please email us and let us know you would like contactless check-in and check-out.
After each use of a pen or the credit/debit machine, these items will be handed back to staff for disinfection.
Guests who become ill prior to their booked vacation are required to stay home and will be issued a full letter of credit for future use. Any guest who arrives appearing ill with possible Covid-like symptoms will be required, with all sympathy and respect, to leave the property and will be issued a letter of credit for the remainder for future use.